High Country Behavioral Health
High Country Behavioral Health has several mental health service clinics throughout east Idaho and Western Wyoming. As they’ve recently rebranded several of their locations, we’ve helped them move their website into a new content management system with a modern, new look.
With the help of the experts at High Country Behavioral Health, our content team curated the text for the home page, services, careers page, and their first couple of blogs. They provided all of their own bios.
Our content team also loaded all of their staff bios and the content that we wrote into the new website and organized it for the best user experience.
We helped the team at High Country Behavioral Health develop a new color scheme for this website and incorporated their branding throughout the site. Beyond that, our design team customized various components according to High Country’s requests, including this section on the home page to allow specific services to be featured.
High Country Behavioral Health wanted a unique way to display their staff on their home page, so our development team put together a “twinkle” collage that rotates through their staff photos.
View this fun feature and the rest of their site at hcbh.org.

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