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Search Ads

These are the typical ads that you see at the top of Google's search results with a text ad. Local Ad Extensions are also included in this type of campaign.

Display Ads

Google's display network allows you to upload image ads for them to display across other websites. This is a good strategy for increasing brand awareness. 

Shopping Ads

If you have an eCommerce store, you can pay Google to display your products in their search results as "Shopping Ads" to entice customers to make a purchase from you.


Remarketing Ads

Use Google's display network to remarket your website to people who have visited recently. We can help set up these types of ads, we'll just need access to your website to set specific tags in place to measure and track this. Our designers can even help put together graphics for your ads. 

If you're a new startup and you want to start getting traffic to your website immediately (before SEO efforts start to kick in), then you might want to consider investing in some Google Ads. Our web marketing team is highly versed in Google Ads and understands the ins and outs of optimizing a good campaign.

Google Ads can help businesses with a variety of goals:

  • Getting more traffic to your website
  • Increasing customer conversions and sales
  • Remarketing to visitors to capture more leads
  • Increasing brand awareness

When we set up a Google Ads campaign for your business, we help you set up your own account with Google so you can pay your ad spend directly to them. We only charge you for our labor to set up, monitor, and make adjustments to your campaign.

Idaho Falls, Idaho

545 W 19th St
Idaho Falls, ID 83402


Tampa, Florida

1600 E 8th Ave
Suite A200
Tampa, FL 33605


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