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Nestled along the mountains of the Snake River valley, lies an Idaho destination for the whole family. Heise is a recreational retreat, complete with hot springs, golfing, zip-lining, and camping.

Since Heise is a place to have fun, we wanted to have their site reflect that. By incorporating color and an interactive accordion element to highlight each activity they offer, we were able to showcase some of Heise’s playful flair. Each accordion has its own unique logo as well. We had the opportunity to create the logo for the Heise campground. The simplicity of the design allows the attention to remain on the webpage.

Besides making the site reflective of Heise, we also wanted to make sure it was user friendly. We implemented an eCommerce system to make the swim lesson registration faster and simpler for the staff and guests to use. Now, instead of calling each registrant individually for information about the swimmer, they can export the students’ details from their new system. Their fresh, new design is on a new content management system which makes it easier for them to make changes when they need to.

Idaho Falls, Idaho

545 W 19th St
Idaho Falls, ID 83402


Tampa, Florida

1600 E 8th Ave
Suite A200
Tampa, FL 33605


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